About Me

In case any of my readers are curious, this is the section about the author- me!
Me & Brandon in Montana

My name is Jenna Clark, I'm 26, and I live in Bel Air, Maryland with my husband Brandon and our two dogs: Max and Dexter. The dogs are pretty much our kids until we decide to start a family. At this point we're not really sure when that's going to be, but we're in no hurry.

I am a writer, a bartender, a part-time yogi (self discipline is not one of my strong points), a Christian, a coffee junkie, a total shopaholic, a Ravens fan, a devoted wife, and a really good friend.

This blog started as an outlet for all frustrations and general musings marriage related. What began in 2008 as Reflections of a Newlywed recently became Across the Universe; a collection of my thoughts and writings on all topics I find relevant in my life and the lives of those close to me. 

I am a writer to the core and in the last six months I finally decided to pursue writing as a career. So while I bartend part-time and my Bachelors degree in Marketing collects dust in the basement, I write. I write about whatever inspires me; which is almost exclusively my own life. So if you happen to be one of the lucky ones who are part of my life, watch out, you may be appearing in one of my posts! (Although most of the time I will change people's names to protect their privacy and my relationships)

And now, a few random bits of trivia about yours truly:

As I mentioned before, I am completely and unapologetically addicted to coffee; particularly Caribou Coffee. Jon and I will drive 40 minutes to the nearest Caribou two to three times a month for a pound of Mocha Java and a latte.

All events and occurrences in life I can somehow relate to The Simpsons
In my opinion, life would be unmanageable without chocolate.

Technically I am an African American because my father was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa; although his grandfather moved there from Germany and his grandmother was from Scotland. So, don't ask me why I'm not black.

I go through hoodie withdrawal in the summer. If it were economical I would keep my thermostat set to 65 so I could walk around the house in hoodies all year. (Side Note: I am aware that it's weird that I need a hoodie in 65 degree weather)

The Beatles are the best thing to happen to music- ever. 

Even though I fancy myself a bit of a music snob, that still doesn't stop me from singing along to Ke$ha in my kitchen while I'm cooking dinner.

There is a flip flop for every occasion- except a snow storm- which incidentally irritates me a little bit.

My brother, Jon is my best friend. That doesn't make me lame, it just makes my brother a super awesome person.

If it weren't for cake, I would have lost that last five pounds years ago!

So there you have it folks; a little bit about the girl behind the blog. I thank you for your time and attention; I would be nothing without an audience. I hope you enjoy your time reading what I've written and return to this site frequently.

My email address is jennakclark@gmail.com
or you can find me on Facebook www.facebook.com/jennakclark
