Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Sign, Perhaps?

A fellow blogger posted the other day that we are merely one month away from November. This is not a random statement of the obvious or another "OMG-I-can't-believe-it's-almost-the-holiday-season" rant. What Sarah Thomas so eloquently reminded me of was that we are currently less than 30 days away from NaNoWriMo; which most of you don't know means National Novel Writing Month. Basically this means any writer that signs up has 30 days to write 50,000 words. Let me give you all a moment to process that statement while I fall asleep on my keyboard just thinking about it...

And we're back! You read that right, folks: 50,000 words in only 30 days. Crazy, right? But is any writer totally devoid of crazy? I may not be a novel writer but I'm actually considering taking on this challenge. I can use this as an opportunity to really dig into my non fiction manuscript while commiserating with all the other over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived, quasi-homicidal writers across the country. Am I sounding more and more insane by the second? Maybe I'm still high off the Raven's big win today and chicken wings and beer, but this seems like a great idea.

Stop laughing at me for a second... I don't truly believe that I will reach the 50,000 word finish line (but hey, anything is possible, right?) and even if I only write 5,000 words it will be 5,000 more than I had on November 1st. I think this is the fire under my butt that I needed. So now I have to figure out how to work at the bar, keep writing my articles for the online magazine, participate in family functions (that whole Thanksgiving thing), eat, sleep, keep up with Dexter and Project Runway, and write 50,000 words.

I just fell asleep on my keyboard again...

I suppose I should get my naps in now before I have to give up sleep for a whole month. Does anyone know of any Starbucks that are open 24 hours?

So thank you, Sarah for giving me a sign from the Blogging Universe that I need to kick up my game if I'm gonna play in the Big Leagues.


Mary said...

Give it your best shot! Maybe the absurd timeline of 30 days will eliminate some of your perseveration on perfection and bring out the very best of your spontaneous, underanalyzed genius!
I believe in you!!!!!!!!!
M (I don't want to sign it "Mom" because others will doubt both my objectivity and my sincerity--and I don't want that to happen! So:
Love, m

Sarah said...

Hey! Thanks for the shout-out! And you're welcome for giving you a sign. Happy to help! :-)

I'm so excited about NaNoWriMo, it borders on ridiculous. Heheh.

Definitely this is a great chance to push yourself and see how much you can write when you just make yourself. I was surprised when I reached 50k the first time! Very exciting. And yes, even if you don't reach that magic number, anything is better than nothing!

We'll suffer sleep-deprivation and Starbucks overdoses together, you and I. :-)

Feel free to add me as a Writing Buddy!